How do I configure the shopping cart display options such as column names (size, color, material) and the text that appears on the shopping_cart.php page?

Simply login to your web-based admin system and then click on the Store Setup Menu button. On the Store Setup Main Page, scroll down to the 'Shopping Cart Setup' section and then click the 'Shopping Cart Configuration & Content (Products and/or Events)' link. After the page loads, select the Shopping Cart Content type you would like to edit on the bottom of the page (Product or Events). Most online stores use only one type of shopping cart display : PRODUCTS. Click on the Cart Display Type link (usually Products) and you will be able to activate/deactivate the cart display options, change content text labels and visual display options of the cart that are not controllled by CSS. Any color and formatting items not available in the web-based admin form can be controlled by editing the following CSS file: /css/site_store_pro_shopping_cart.css