Checkout Order Review Page Content (/checkout/order_review.php)
This is the final step of the checkout process before the order is submitted for processing (i.e. credit card authorization) or the user is redirected to an external payment system (i.e. PayPal). At this stage, the user can review all information about the order including the shipping information, billing information, order items, discounts and order total. If any element of the order is incorrect, the user may click on the incorrect information to edit/modify before submitting the order for processing.
The order review page content is managed in the web-based admin at ‘Store Setup’ > Order Review Page Configuration & Content. The page is located at /checkout/order_review.php
Page formatting (text, colors, etc) is managed by: /css/site_store_pro_checkout_order_review.css
Note: The order items display (order details) is controlled by the ‘Shopping Cart Configuration Manager’. The items display content is formatted with /css/ site_store_pro_shopping_cart.css
Below is a screen shot of a sample order review page: