Export Products From Admin (CSV)

Product can be exported from the database at anytime in a CSV format.   The product export(s) are accessed through the ‘Reports’ section of the web-based administration system.

The ‘Export Products List’ feature is a quick and easy method to track all items in the database with a ‘snapshot’ view of their general information.

The ‘Export Inventory List’ provides the current inventory levels and sales totals for all items in the system.

Below are the columns (file format) that will be exported with the ‘Export Products List’ feature:

Prod ID, Product Name, CategoryID, CategoryName, ProdWeight, RetailPrice, WholeSalePrice, Active


Below are the columns (file format) that will be exported with the ‘Export Inventory List ‘ feature:

InventoryRecordID, ProductID. ProductName, InventorySKU, Size, Color, Material, ProdOption1, Option1Name, ProdOption2, Option2Name, STOCK_Level, Inventory_Buffer, Alert_Level, Total_SOLD, Back_Ordered?


Additional columns can easily be added to the export file(s). Please contact Site Store Pro support if you require custom product CSV export formatting.


Note: The CSV product export features should not be used to backup your products. The entire SQL server database should be backed up frequently to save the item data and configurations. Most webhosting companies back up their database servers at least 2x daily. If your data is mission critical, we recommend backing up your SQL database on an hourly basis however.