Shipping Provider / Configuration Settings

Shipping settings for the store are managed through the ‘Store Setup’ section of the admin by clicking on the ‘Store Configuration’ link.

The following shipping methods (types) are available with the default installation of Site Store Pro:

Flat Rate US & Flat Rate International
USPS Real-time
UPS Real-time
FedEx Real-time

Each shipping type has specific configuration settings and rate options. Click on the a type list above for specific features.

The following two settings should be set on the shipping configuration form no matter what shipping method is enabled:

(Origin) Zipcode | Postalcode: The zipcode or region code where orders will be shipped FROM.

(Origin) Country: The country where orders will be shipped FROM.


To enable a specific shipping type, select it on the shipping configuration form and then click the ‘Update’ button.


The order shipping total is generated by the shipping type selected on the ‘Shipping Configuration’ form and the ‘Special Handling Fee’ (if active)

Note: Flat-Rate and real-time rates (shipping carrier-generated) can’t be enabled at the same time. If Flat Rate US and/or Flat Rate International are enabled, real-time carrier rates will be automatically disabled.