Search Results Page (/store/store_results.php)

The search results page is where ALL product queries are displayed. This includes searches made from the keyword search bar, the dynamic left menu links and the search form.

The content on this page is completely dynamic and controlled by the configuration options set in the ‘Item Search Configuration’ screen in the admin. (Product information is set by the item properties entered in the product manager for each returned product in the search results).

Common formatting changes from the sample store configuration include the number items that are displayed in the search results (row/columns) and the size of the item thumbnails.

The following CSS files format the search results display page: main_stylesheet.css, site_store_pro.css, site_store_pro_search_results.css  (Page-specific css file is: site_store_pro_search_results.css)

Below is a sample screen shot of a the search results page (/store/store_results.php)